Floral Response to Climate Change in Thoreau’s Woods - Sold Out


Thursday, February 23, 2023, 8:30am to 2:30pm



Flatten examples of flowers.

Explore the relationship between climate change and the time of first bloom in plants using field data collected by scientists and naturalists and data collected from observations of dried herbarium specimens over 160 years. This lesson is suitable for middle and high school students.

Registration is closed.

$50 deposit will be refunded upon completion of the workshop.


You will:

  • Use museum specimens to see real examples of evolution

  • Actively participate in a full classroom lesson, as described below

  • Hear from scientists and experts in their fields

  • Enjoy a the behind-the scenes tour of the university’s research collections

  • Share ideas and reflections about student learning and curriculum

  • Leave with classroom-ready lessons and teaching strategies


You will receive:

  • Free workshop

  • Free parking

  • Materials to keep for use in your classroom

    • Participants in the Horse Evolution workshop will receive a complete packet of materials, including a full set of 3D-printed fossil horse teeth.

    • Participants in the Climate Change and Flowering Times workshop who prepare a detailed lesson plan will receive a professional plant press.

  • PDP certificate (Massachusetts requires at least 10 PDPs for any award. If you take both workshops you will earn 10 PDPs. For teachers who participated in workshops with us in February 2022, we can add 5 PDPs per workshop to your existing points.)


Masks are optional. Policies may change in response to changes in Harvard University regulations.